Background noise!

What's your background noise?

I don't know about you, but I always have to have some kind of background noise when I'm cleaning. Typically it's some upbeat music. Sometimes I'll put on a TV show or movie that I don't have to pay super close attention to, just to distract myself from the mundane activities of cleaning haha. But my favorite "background noise" is talking to my sisters on the phone. We often call each other and say, "Wanna clean?", and we almost always get more done while talking on the phone than we would just doing it on our own. Strange, but true!

So, what is your background noise? If it's music, what type do you listen to while cleaning? If it's screaming kids, well, that would just be a whole different post!
Post in the comments, I'd love to hear your different ideas.

Spring Cleaning

Spring is in the air!

And you know what that means...

Spring cleaning!

To most people, Spring cleaning is a daunting task, but if you go about it the right way, it doesn't have to be! We'll be posting our favorite tips and tricks to make it easier, and even fun. Grab the kids and make it a family event!

First, let's get our cleaning kit stocked and ready to go:

It will make doing the dirty work a lot easier if you have all the supplies you need at the time you are cleaning. If you have to make a last minute shopping trip for some random cleaning product, it's likely that item you were going to work on won't get done!
If you already have your basic cleaning kit set up, just make sure you have the following items as well for your Spring cleaning kit (they're great to have on hand for standard cleanings too).

  • An angled scrub brush and an old toothbrush.
  • A few Magic Erasers (you'll want more than a few if you haven't used them before, you'll be hooked!)
  • A jug of white vinegar
  • Goo Gone (my favorite degreaser)

Second, put on your favorite music:

Having some good tunes to listen to always makes cleaning more enjoyable, and the jobs will definitely go by faster. Fun, upbeat music is obviously ideal, and if you know the lyrics, all the better (three words: broom handle microphone)!

Now, let's tackle the bedroom closet:

  1. Go through your wardrobe and box up any Winter clothes that you won't be wearing anymore this season. Throw in a dryer sheet or satchel of to keep them fresh until next Winter.
  2. While you're there, get rid of anything you no longer like, things that don't fit, or old clothes that are just there ("I'll keep this for camping or something..." right? haha). If you haven't worn it in 6 months*, get rid of it (or in the last year, if it's more of a seasonal item).
  3. Do the same with your shoes. Which ones haven't you worn for a long time (remember the 6 month rule)? Do you have pairs that don't fit well, or have holes (again, that "camping" gear that we can really do without)?
  4. Organize and declutter any shelving or dresser tops you may have. The 6 month rule can also apply to your jewelry box if it's overflowing!
  5. Now that your clothes are neat and organized, grab a long-handled duster, or a broom, and swipe the perimeter of the ceiling and down any corners where dust and cobwebs like to collect.
  6. Give it a good vacuuming if it's carpeted, and shut the door. You're done!
*A tip I've learned: When hanging clothes up, put the hanger on the rod backwards, and after you've worn it, just put it back normally. At the end of 6 months, anything still backwards gets donated!

Depending on their ages, kids can do this on their own for their own closets, or assist you in organizing and cleaning. Think small when organizing clothes closets for young kids. Small drawers, cubbies, and storage bins make it easy for kids to find what they're looking for without making a mess. Keep clothing in short stacks in shallow drawers so they don't have to sort through huge piles. Put toys and books on open shelves in plain sight where they are easy to grab and put away. Use baskets and boxes to keep small items orderly. Keep these storage containers small, too, so they're lightweight and easy to search through. If you're trying to organize on a budget, regular shoe boxes or any cardboard boxes will do. Just cover them in cute scrapbook paper or let the kids go to town with their crayons and their imagination!

Your basic cleaning kit

Stocking your basic cleaning kit

Everyone should have a standard cleaning kit put together for their home, so when it's cleaning time you have everything you need within reach, and you can easily carry it through the house as you go.

The following items are essential for your basic cleaning kit:

  • Cleaning caddy, to put all your supplies in for easy storage/access
  • One large bucket
  • Cleaning gloves, if you're so inclined (they make so many cute ones now, why not make it fun!)
  • Lint-free white cloths
  • Heavy duty sponges (the ones with the scrubby side and sponge side are ideal)
  • Your favorite all purpose cleaner, mine is Simple Green. (You can buy a big jug at Costco for under $10, and you just dilute it based on the task at hand. It works wonders, and is safe for nearly all surfaces)
  • A foam glass cleaner
  • Furniture polish
  • Toilet bowl cleaner and brush
  • A Lambswool duster, the Swiffer Disposable Dusters work great as well
  • Mop, broom and dustpan (save your back and get an upright dustpan, they're lovely!)

Now you're ready to tackle your typical house cleaning chores!